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Singapore Botanic Gardens Macro

Today's trip to the Botanic Gardens was truly a fruitful one! It was macro frenzy right from the start, with both Hakim and I constantly looking at things through a magnified perspective.

I also managed to try out macro with the 50mm mounted in reverse. BUT. I gave up in a grand total of 15 minutes. The depth of field is so shallow that whenever the wind causes a slight movement, I will end up with up a completely unusable shot. Damn, wasted $29 on the reverse adapter. PUI!

However things started getting better once I put the Diopter back onto my kit lens. At least it felt like I was in control, not the damn wind. Hahaha.

Here goes!

And ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the 3 photographs you are going to see next are my pride and joy. They make the 5 hours under the scorching hot sun all worthwhile!

Check these out!

And they were all taken using just the kit lens and the Diopter! Hai, do I really need the 105mm macro? Somebody help me.

And such is the kind of effort we put in just to get a shot. I'm totally proud of us. Hahaha!

Looking forward to your photographs too Hakim! And thank you for holding the plants still, lying on the floor just for our portraits and the good lunch recommendation!

Next up is our night shoot! Woohoo!
< >


  1. I used the 2nd pic as my wallpaper!!

  2. The bee photos are nice the color of the depth of field is cool!
